太姓氏 Worldwide

    In search of Tai family history


    According to fragmented  history, majority of royal family members大祚栄だいそえい decided  to change the royal surname  to (Tai) to avoid any persecution by the ruthless conquer, the new surname(Tai) was born. Are you one of us? Join me, unlock the myth of your story , your kingdom?
 Since I was in university  People always surprised by the scarce of my surname "Tai", although I was studying in  a big  metropolitan  city with population of 30 million.
Who are we ? Where do we come from?  Over these years, I have been working with people from all over the China,  I am convinced that my surname in deed is  the minority. To  most of people, it sounds very rare,  Until now, with the  convenience and wide spread of internet, now we have the opportunity to  make the missing  link, my aim is to unveil  the buried family history  likely over a thousand years.
How can I achieve this?  To discovery our family history, We have to  understand the history of small kingdom of “BoHai kingdom”, which located in northeast Asia corner. “BoHai kingdom appeared in history for about  228 years(698-926AD), the fate of this BoHai kingdom is greatly associated with  ancient Chinese Tang dynasty,   the most flourished period of Tang dynasty ( 618-907AD),  both countries were eventually invaded conquered by northern  ethnic living on the horse back, they overthrow Tang dynasty and Bohai kingdom, and established  new Liao kingdom  辽国-契丹” ( 907-1125AD),      

    The royal family of ”BoHai kingdom”, is
大,as the collapse of this  BoHai kingdom  渤海国 in 926AD all royal family members are running to all directions. The royal family members大祚栄だいそえい decided  to change the royal surname  to (Tai) to avoid persecution by the ruthless conquer- Liao kingdom  辽国-契丹” ( 907-1125AD), the new surname was born.
Are you one of us? Join me, unlock the myth of your story, your kingdom?

 太(Tai) is different from the old royal family surname  from 大祚栄だいそえい, with the new identity,  the royal family members were able to help each other in the painful time, dream for glory of our lost kingdom ruled by 大祚栄だいそえいroyal family,  in addition.
A  small group ofroyal family seek refuge in ancient neighbour nation -高句丽kingdom, some of this group  ofroyal family refugee  members were given高句丽, royal surname 王,As I stated this is fragmented history record, given the BoHai kingdom  渤海国 neither the part of Chinese history, nor the history of modern Korea, the history of BoHai kingdom  渤海国largely remains undiscovered.

   It is our mission to uncover the buried history, let’s  connected , all of the decedents of
大祚栄だいそえい and tai family, Let’s bring it to live, with your involvement, all of your poetic touch, let us use the power of internet, let us united again, to make this life a wonderful adventure.

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Family history blog about the Tai surname and Tai family tree